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Wine Devel - Derouck.
I uploaded Derouck CD-Rom because…
- There is no information on CD-ROM or in Software about redistributing or license.
- I got no answer from info@derouck.com about license.
- Install code is in the name of iso file (020-06018765-820).
- $ wget https://www.linuxunderground.be/cd-derouck-020-06018765-820.iso.bz2.
- $ bzip2 -d cd-derouck-020-06018765-820.iso.bz2
- # mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop cd-derouck-020-06018765-820.iso /mnt/cdrom
$ WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole2disp.dll16,typelib.dll16,compobj.dll16=n" wine /mnt/cdrom/SETUP.EXE
This natives DLL are provided by Derouck CD-ROM !
Executing Derouck
- Few successful trials with :
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole2disp.dll16,typelib.dll16,compobj.dll16,storage.dll16,ole2.dll16,ole2nls.dll16,ctl3dv2,ole32=n" wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Derouck/DEROUCK.EXE
- Try with wine as Windows 3.1.
- Try to move all files from windows/system to windows/system32 and make system directory a symbolic link to system32.
back to wine bugzilla bug 9805